Monday, October 25, 2010

Action Research Plan

I have to confess, I really struggled with this assignment.  I don't know why but I just did not know where to begin.  I am a science teacher and you would think this would be a piece of cake for me but it was not.  My action research topic was born from a biology teacher asking me "what is the job of the inclusion teacher in my classroom?" This question made me think that she had no idea what's suppose to go on in her classroom with an inclusion teacher.  I also thought about the students and  how is their learning being affected by this lack of knowledge.  Is she the only one with this question? Are the students needs being met? So, here goes my action research plan:

Goal:  To evaluate the effectivenes of the inclusion environment on special education students in 9th grade biology.

Action Steps:
-Research the topic of inclusion/Power of Two
-Gather, examine and monitor student assessment data
-Classroom Observations/Teacher Surveys/Interviews
-Analysis of findings and create an improvement plan if needed
-Report finding to administrative staff and request input for improvement plan

Person Responsible:  Sandra Marcussen

Timeline:  October 2010-May 2011

Needed Resources:
-Review articles on Inclusion
-Training informatio for Power of Two
-Access to Eduphoria (student data)
-Review materials on how to create surveys and conduct interviews

Evaluation:  Mr. Ted Smith, Assisstant Principal, Site Supervisor

The journey has begun!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandra - I am really intrested to see what you find out... We just sent some of our teachers to Power of Two training this summer and I am curious if they are finding that the inclusion environment in our Elementary classes is successful for their Special Ed students... Good Luck with your research!!!
