Saturday, October 30, 2010

Revised Action Research Plan

Here is my revised action research plan based on some discussion board comments and my site supervisor.  The major recommendations were in the timelines, interview/survey topics and that I should compare the data between inclusion and non/inclusion students in the same classroom.  This is a "living document" it will change with your valuable feedback as needed.  Thank you.

Action Planning Template
Goal: To evaluate the effectiveness of the inclusion environment on special education students in 9th grade Biology
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Read research on Inclusion Classrooms and the Power of Two
Sandra Marcussen
Start:  10/25/10
End:  10/29/10

Internet Resources and Special Ed Coordinator
Examine the concept of Inclusion through research and the training available to teachers.
Identify the number of Special Ed and regular Ed students in the inclusion classes for Biology.

Sandra Marcussen

Start: 11/2/10
End:  11/5/10
Student List from Biology teachers
Access the list of students in the inclusion classes in Biology
Review special ed students IEP’s and criteria for placement in inclusion setting

Sandra Marcussen
Start: 11/8/10
End:  11/12/10
Student IEP’s
Meet with Special Ed coordinator
Evaluate the criteria for placement in an inclusion class.
Collect student achievement data from teacher and Eduphoria

Sandra Marcussen
Start:  11/15/10
End:  11/19/10
Access to student test data from Eduphoria
Organize data to look for trends or
Classroom observations
Sandra Marcussen
Start:  11/29/10
End:  3/25/11
Permission to observe from teachers
Reflect on classroom observation notes
Monitor and evaluate students common unit assessment data with students that are in the inclusion setting with non-inclusion students in the same classroom
Sandra Marcussen
Start: 10/25/10
End:  3/25/11
Access student assessment data from Eduphoria
Organize data to look for trends or patterns
Survey/Interview teachers –strategies, IEP’s, collaboration time.
Sandra Marcussen
Start:  10/25/10
End:  12/17/10
Interview questions-**What are you doing as a teacher to meet students individual needs?
Examine and reflect teachers answers to questions
Analyze all the data collected and report findings to Administrative Staff and present and improvement plan if needed
Sandra Marcussen
Start: 10/25/10
End:  4/15/11

All data collected
Presentation of findings and improvement plan
Implementation of improvement plan and monitor student achievement data
Sandra Marcussen
Start: 4/15/11
End: 6/3/11
Student assessment data
Progress of student achievement


  1. Sandra,

    This looks very well prepared. Have you considered the impact of the co-teacher or para on the success of the student? I have had a co-teach class for the past three years, The relationship the co-teacher has with the student has such a huge impact in their motivation. Just a thought.

  2. Tim, I appreciate your feedback. I am considering so many aspects of inclusion right now that I am going crazy. All I know is that the way it is being implemented at my school is not being effective and your comment gives me hope that once I am finished with my research the impact of inclusion and true teacher collaboration will help our students succeed.
